
NodeJS library that generates Typescript or Javascript clients based on the OpenAPI specification

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OpenAPI Typescript Codegen

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Node.js library that generates Typescript clients based on the OpenAPI specification.


  • Frontend ❤️ OpenAPI, but we do not want to use JAVA codegen in our builds
  • Quick, lightweight, robust and framework-agnostic 🚀
  • Supports generation of TypeScript clients
  • Supports generations of Fetch, Node-Fetch, Axios, Angular and XHR http clients
  • Supports OpenAPI specification v2.0 and v3.0
  • Supports JSON and YAML files for input
  • Supports generation through CLI, Node.js and NPX
  • Supports tsc and @babel/plugin-transform-typescript
  • Supports aborting of requests (cancelable promise pattern)
  • Supports external references using json-schema-ref-parser


npm install openapi-typescript-codegen --save-dev


$ openapi --help

  Usage: openapi [options]

    -V, --version             output the version number
    -i, --input <value>       OpenAPI specification, can be a path, url or string content (required)
    -o, --output <value>      Output directory (required)
    -c, --client <value>      HTTP client to generate [fetch, xhr, node, axios, angular] (default: "fetch")
    --name <value>            Custom client class name
    --useOptions              Use options instead of arguments
    --useUnionTypes           Use union types instead of enums
    --useNullForNoContent     Use null for returning instead of undefined if a response returns 204 no content
    --exportCore <value>      Write core files to disk (default: true)
    --exportServices <value>  Write services to disk (default: true)
    --exportModels <value>    Write models to disk (default: true)
    --exportSchemas <value>   Write schemas to disk (default: false)
    --indent <value>          Indentation options [4, 2, tab] (default: "4")
    --postfixServices         Service name postfix (default: "Service")
    --postfixModels           Model name postfix
    --request <value>         Path to custom request file
    -h, --help                display help for command

    $ openapi --input ./spec.json --output ./generated
    $ openapi --input ./spec.json --output ./generated --client xhr

Docker usage

To build the Docker container, execute the following command:

docker build . --tag openapi-typescript-codegen

After this is done, you can execute the CLI commands:

docker run openapi-typescript-codegen --help
docker run openapi-typescript-codegen --input sample.yaml --output client

