

This repository contains all the projects that were completed as part of Springboard's Data Science Career Track. However, it does not include the capstone and visualisation projects. They are available as separate repositories.


Disclaimer: If you are a Springboard DSC Student, I strongly suggest you refrain from viewing the code before you've actually attempted at solving the problem yourself.

  1. Understanding Country Club Database with SQL - Manipulating data in SQL
  2. Analyzing World Bank Projects - Data Wrangling with JSON file
  3. API Project - Quandl - Data Wrangling
  4. What is the true Normal Human Body Temperature - Inferential Statistics
  5. Examining Racial Discrimination in the US Job Market - Inferential Statistics
  6. Hospital Readmission Analysis and Recommendations - Inferential Statistics
  7. Predicting House Prices using Linear Regression - Supervised Machine Learning Project
  8. Predicting Gender using Logistic Regression - Supervised Machine Learning Project
  9. Movie Review Sentiment Analysis using Naive Bayes - Supervised Machine Learning Project
  10. Wine Customer Segmentation using Unsupervised Learning - Unsupervised Machine Learning Project
  11. Spark Project-Databricks
  12. Ultimate Inc. Data Science Challenge - Time Series Project
  13. Relax Inc. Data Science Challenge