
Potential Shared Library Extract

jmercouris opened this issue · 0 comments

Draft source code, it should lend an idea as to how I believe it can work. Feel free to copy/modify and integrate into deploy:

(in-package :cl-user)

(uiop:define-package shared-library-extract
    (:use :common-lisp))

(in-package :shared-library-extract)

(defvar *object-tool* "otool")
(defvar *cp* "cp")
(defvar *copyable-library-paths* (list "/opt/local/lib"))
(defvar *install-name-tool* "install_name_tool")

(defun object-tool (path)
  (flet ((process-line (line) (first (str:split " " (str:trim line)))))
    (with-input-from-string (output (uiop:run-program (list *object-tool* "-L" path)
                                                      :output '(:string :stripped t)))
      (loop for line = (read-line output nil)
            while (not (null line))
            collect (process-line line)))))

(defun copy-library-p (library-path)
  (find-if (lambda (i) (str:containsp i library-path)) *copyable-library-paths*))

(defun copy-file (from to)
  (format t "Copy file ~a to ~a~%" from to)
  (uiop:run-program (list *cp* from to)))

(defun file-name (path)
  (car (last (str:split "/" path))))

(defun install-name (from to path)
  (uiop:run-program (list *install-name-tool* "-change"
                          from to path)))

(defun install-names (library)
  (format t "Install names for library ~a~%" library)
  (loop for object in (object-tool library)
        if (copy-library-p object)
          do (install-name object (format nil "@executable_path/../Resources/~a" (file-name object)) library)))

(defun library-dependency-tree (library-path)
  (let ((queue (object-tool library-path))
     (loop for library = (pop queue)
           while (not (null library))
           if (copy-library-p library)
             do (unless (find library seen-libraries :test #'equal)
                  (push library seen-libraries)
                  (setf queue (append queue (rest (object-tool library))))
                  (format t "Process Library: ~a ~%Depends on:~a~%" library (rest (object-tool library))))
           if (copy-library-p library)
             collect library)
     :test #'equal)))

(defun process-library (library-path destination)
  (loop for library in (library-dependency-tree library-path)
        do (let ((destination-path (format nil "~a/~a" destination (file-name library))))
             (copy-file library destination-path)
             (install-names destination-path))))

(defun process-libraries (libraries destination)
  (mapcar (lambda (i) (process-library i destination)) libraries))