
Cloning root does not work

Closed this issue · 3 comments

(defclass root (nesting-node)

(:method ((node nesting-node) &optional (deep T))
(let ((clone (make-instance (class-of node)
:parent (parent node)
:children (make-child-array))))
(setf (children clone) (clone-children node deep clone))

But the root, although is nesting-node, does not have parent. Therefore attempt to clone the root ends with an attempt to call the missing method.

Uh. Ok? Where are you seeing this code? Cause it's not in the plump source.

Yeah, it is not currently, but It used to be, and I am using shirakumako distribution which appears to have 1 year old version of plump in it.

Okey, dist should be updated now.