
Future Requests: requests direct to OpenAI and not through the public slickgpt server

tioannidis opened this issue · 1 comments

I have made some attempts on but without a correct Api key

but it looks like my chats with my APIkey are being redirected to OpenAI through the website.
Wouldn't it be safer if my browser sent the requests directly to OpenAI and not through your server? At it works exactly like this.


It's implemented like this because when SlickGPT was launched, I provided a general API key for everyone to use but did not want the clients to know my key. When the project went OS, I changed this model to "bring-your-own-API-key" for obvious reasons.
The request handlers are implemented as Svelte endpoints and the live version executes these on Vercel as Edge functions. SlickGPT does not store any information, so I don't have access to your API key. Please feel free to check the code. Apart from that I guess you'd either have to take my word for it or host your own SlickGPT instance.