
Renaming a Wingman should not allow special chars like "/"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The "rename Wingman" modal does not validate the new name to NOT contain invalid chars like slashes, causing a crash if you do.

As we don’t have IDs for wingmen (or commands), we use the name to route to the detail pages. And because the client is a web app, it can’t contain special characters that can’t be part of an URL.
So the quick&dirty fix would be to prevent these characters and the real fix (needing a migration) would be to introduce proper IDs)

fixed the Regexp in the client and several other issues:

  • rename config now also validates (missing before)
  • the regexp is now stricter and only allows numbers, characters, spaces and hyphens. Updated labels accordingly
  • fixed a bug where the seemingly same Regexp would work when defined in JS but not when used directly in HTML