Creating theme throws error after entering destription.
taaigo opened this issue · 1 comments
taaigo commented
After entering the Description when running the php artisan theme:create dark
command, it throws an error.
/o/l/h/l/rhythm-hub (main) [1]> php artisan theme:create dark
What is theme title?:
> dark
What is theme description? []:
> dark theme
Call to undefined function Shipu\Themevel\Console\title_case()
at vendor/shipu/themevel/src/Console/ThemeGeneratorCommand.php:128
124▕ {
125▕ $this->theme['title'] = $this->ask('What is theme title?');
127▕ $this->theme['description'] = $this->ask('What is theme description?', false);
➜ 128▕ $this->theme['description'] = !$this->theme['description'] ? '' : title_case($this->theme['description']);
130▕ $this->theme['author'] = $this->ask('What is theme author name?', false);
131▕ $this->theme['author'] = !$this->theme['author'] ? 'Shipu Ahamed' : title_case($this->theme['author']);
+13 vendor frames
14 artisan:35
Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
llyynnxx commented
upgrade to v3.0.4, cek composer.json