
Compilation of context.lisp fails, formatter error

IGJoshua opened this issue · 2 comments

When attempting to install trial (on windows, might be relevant) for testing (using the form (ql:quickload 'trial)) I found that it gives me an interesting error suggesting the the use of format in the function context-info in context.lisp is somehow malformed. Since I'm somewhat new to common lisp I'm unsure of the specific nature of this error and google was unhelpful. Is this something wrong with the latest version of trial, or am I simply missing something?

; file: c:/Programming/Projects/CommonLisp/trial/context.lisp
;     (FORMAT STREAM "~&~%Running GL~a.~a ~a~%~
;                       Sample buffers:     ~a (~a sample~:p)~%~
;                       Max texture size:   ~a~%~
;                       Max texture units:  ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a~%~
;                       GL Vendor:          ~a~%~
;                       GL Renderer:        ~a~%~
;                       GL Version:         ~a~%~
;                       GL Shader Language: ~a~%~
;                       GL Extensions:      ~{~a~^ ~}~%"
; caught ERROR:
;   during macroexpansion of
;   (FORMATTER "~&~%Running GL~a.~a ~a~%~
;                       Sample buffers:     ~a (~a sample~:p)~%~
;                       Max texture size:   ~a~%~
;                       Max texture units:  ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a~%~
;                       GL Vendor:          ~a~%~
;                       GL Renderer:        ~a~%~
;                       GL Version:         ~a~%~
;                       GL Shader Language: ~a~%~
;                       GL Extensions:      ~{~a~^ ~}~%").
;   Use *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* to intercept.
;    error in FORMAT: Unknown directive (character: Return)
;     ~&~%Running GL~a.~a ~a~%~
;                       Sample buffers:     ~a (~a sample~:p)~%~
;                       Max texture size:   ~a~%~
;                       Max texture units:  ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a~%~
;                       GL Vendor:          ~a~%~
;                       GL Renderer:        ~a~%~
;                       GL Version:         ~a~%~
;                       GL Shader Language: ~a~%~
;                       GL Extensions:      ~{~a~^ ~}~%
;                              ^
 ; compilation unit aborted
 ;   caught 2 fatal ERROR conditions
 ;   caught 1 ERROR condition

My current solution is to simply replace the formats that error with one that simply states where it is, and that it is failing. This has led me to find similar issues in the tick handler on controllers in controller.lisp.

After finishing getting this to install properly it has also revealed that I'm unsure how to get a backend working in trial. I tried to add it to my asdf list and install it but it gave me issues when trying to load it as well.

Sounds to me like you have your git settings screwed up in such a way that it changed line endings to the Windows CRLF, rather than the unix LF.

Alright, thanks. I'll see if I can fix that (or just get it to run under linux)