
huggingface app doesnt work

jboverio opened this issue · 7 comments

huggingface app doesnt work, output 'error'

I'm writing a colab, but didnt quite work, anyone who can contribute:

My daughter who has difficulty reading (she has adhd, vision loss...) I think word as image could help her

In huggingface there is a duplicate option to run it in a private workspace. Have you tried that? The official huggingface app may have a long queue as many want to try out.

huggingface app doesnt work, output 'error'

Due to the large number of people waiting in the huggingface demo queue, I implemented a feature that enables users to duplicate the demo without the need to wait.

@wakamenori, thank you a lot, I appreciate this. I'm running it right now, let's see if it works. One thing I noticed, I didnt use my hugging face token key

@jboverio You can load Stable Diffusion model without the key.