
An android app for managing promotional messages and notifications.

Primary LanguageJava


App for managing promotional offers received via notification from other apps and SMS.

This is an Android Application for managing promotional offer. It was developed as a project in Software Engineering course (COL740) at IIT Delhi.

Every smart-phone user today is bombarded with notifications via SMS or from other e-commerce applications, about all kinds of offers - like discount codes, cashbacks etc. While the user may not be interested in most of these offers, there might be some of actual interest to the user.

NotifyMe receives the offers on the user's behalf. It then employs text processing on the offer text to gather the relevant information about the offer such as discount amount/percent, expiry date, coupon codes etc. The app then stores the offers in a database and catalogues them for the user. Additionally, the user may also be notified if the offer is deemed sufficiently relevant and lucrative.


  1. NotifyMe will save the user form the barrage of notifications by hiding all the irrelevant notifications.
  2. While in-app, it will allow the user to:
    1. View all the special offers, discount codes, cashbacks in a single glance.
    2. Filter offers according to various characteristics such as category, discount, validity, or those from a particular application etc.
    3. Hide notifications not relevant to the user.
  3. Additionally it will also directly notify the user about the most relevant offers.