
Tracking Issue: Free Functions

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This issue is meant to track the status of patching methods, as well as a public idea board. This is sectioned mainly into two achievements: associated functions and methods. NOTE methods will get their own tracking issue; this will be closed when associated functions are done.

TODO items for associated functions:

  • Get a real demo working
  • Integrate for everything in lib
  • Fix with macros
  • Module aware expansions for imports
  • Test with imports
  • Import macros
  • Test for backwards compatibility
  • Docs!
  • Error checking to deny actual methods (temporary)

Associated Functions

Prior to filing this issue, a method of patchable associated functions was discovered. The final implementation syntax is as follows:

struct Foo {}

impl Foo {
  fn bar() {}

fn main() {
  Foo::bar.hotpatch_fn(|| unimplemented!());

It is (roughly) implemented internally as follows:

struct Foo {}
static __hotpatch_implgen_Foo_bar: hotpatch::Patchable<(Self, i32), ()> =
    hotpatch::Patchable::__new( ||
        // macro passthrough from the initial implementation
fn __hotpatch_staticwrap_0_bar() -> &'static Patchable<(Self, i32), ()> {
impl Foo {
    pub const bar: hotpatch::MutConst<Patchable<(Self, i32), ()>> =
     // where MutConst is a const reference to a static variable
     // It's pretty much an associated static with extra steps (they aren't supported)

Problem: Because the implementation must be separated from the impl block, this cannot support a self parameter (in any form).

Problem: Self is not available. I have yet to find a workaround, but I suspect one exists using dummy consts.


Recently I discovered a way of making patchable methods. The main holdup was declaring a way of having some associated static holding a function pointer with a self parameter. And the only way to get a self parameter to work is with a method directly in an impl block.

Or at least, I thought so. Traits perfectly achieve this. Combining this with the fact that there can be multiple struct associations under the same name if they're in a trait and of different types yields a perfect solution. The working syntax is as follows:

struct Foo {}

impl Foo {
  fn bar(&self) {}

fn main() {
  let foo = Foo::new(); // new defined elsewhere; // works
  // hotpatched as the following:
  Foo::bar.hotpatch_fn(|| unimplemented!());
  // Yet the following does NOT work for hotpatching:|| unimplemented!());
  // This is GREAT for cleanliness

The macro-expanded implementation is still being figured out. However, the following is a working demo of making Foo::bar different from

struct Foo {
    data: i32,

impl Foo {
    fn new(data: i32) -> Self {

// begin macro generated content

// macro input:
// #[patchable]
// impl Foo {
//     fn bar(self) {
//         println!("hello from bar! This foo object has data: {}",;
//     }
// }

impl Foo {
    const bar: i32 = 0;

trait FnTrait { // final implementation will use mangled names
    fn bar(self);

impl FnTrait for Foo {
    fn bar(self) {
	println!("hello from bar! This foo object has data: {}",;

// end macro generated content

// test
fn main() {
    let foo = Foo::new(100); // just gives foo some instance data; // Has access to self, and the data  -^-----------^
    println!("{:?}", Foo::bar); // Foo::bar is a const i32; totally different!

I really like the fact that is actually a method, and that isn't allowed. Forcing the use of Foo::bar.hotpatch cements the idea that the method is patched for all instances.

Problem: trait associated functions (without self) are not privy to the same non-competition rules. This may mean a macro may need to decide whether to use the associated function implementation or the method implementation. This feels like a rustc bug to me.

Took a sidequest for fn_ptr branch. This fixes an intermediate issue I was having with incorrect lifetime elision on patchable types. This should be good to go next.