Master student of computational science and engineering at ETH Zurich. Interested in differentiable physics, scientific machine learning and AI for science.
Shizheng-Wen's Following
- 3b1b3Blue1Brown
- AlgebraLovemeETHz
- balintkaszasETH Zurich
- benmoseleyImperial College London
- breadli428Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- brucefan1983Varian Medical Systems Finland Oy
- craffael
- dcamenischSwitzerland
- dcetinZurich
- haller-groupETH Zürich
- HughP
- isds-neu
- kamilazdybalEmpa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
- maziarraissiUniversity of Colorado Boulder
- MilesCranmerUniversity of Cambridge
- MingchaoZhuFudan University
- mingj1125
- mliBoson AI
- mmichelisNantong, China
- RexYing@Graph-and-Geometric-Learning
- Ricky-ZhaoNanjing Univeristy of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- thunilTUM
- tk-ruschMIT
- TrevorWinstral
- walkerchiETHz
- wangleiphyInstitute of Physics, CAS
- xpy1009
- yangbai90Great Bay University
- YunzhuLiColumbia University