
Server implementation?

paravoid opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there! Pydle looks like one of the cleanest, modern and featureful implementations of the IRC protocol in Python, so kudos for that!

While the project seems to be only implementing the client-side of the protocol, I couldn't help but notice that the project description is "a compact, flexible and standards-abiding IRC library for Python 3.4+", and that classes are named pydle.Client etc. I was wondering whether you felt it was within the project's scope to also implement the server-side bits, whether that's planned or not, whether you feel that it would be relatively easy or complicated to add, and whether a contribution to that effect would be welcome or shouldn't even be attempted as it would complicate things for something that doesn't belong here.

Thanks, and sorry if this is a bit of an exploratory, off-topic issue -- I tried joining #kochira @ freenode to ask there first but the channel was empty :)

From my understanding the scope of this project is limited to the client-side implementation of IRC, I imagine writing a IRC server in python with any quality would be a daunting task.

Given the size and complexity of the popular IRC servers, Anthem and Unreal, I speculate a well designed python implementation would be a massive project in its own right.

That said, a pure-python IRC server application would make writing tests for the pydle client easier to automate... 😅

Contributions to Pydle are always welcome, though this might be outside the original scope of this project.
Its also quite possible this feature was never asked for, or thought of. Presently I have no indication Shizmob intended to write a server implementation, but that doesn't necessarily indicate its out of scope.

I suppose the real question to ask here are: there sufficient demand for a Python based IRC server implementation and how much development time would it take to complete?