
Overriding MuiCssBaseline has incorrect signature

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Shmew commented

The current signature of' takes a list of style properties, where the proper syntax is to set the elements that they apply to:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  overrides: {
    MuiCssBaseline: {
      '@global': {
        html: {
          WebkitFontSmoothing: 'auto',

I'm not sure how you want to handle this as far as type safety goes, but I can confirm this works:' [
    unbox ("html", (createObj !![
        // styles go here

Thanks for the report. I haven't had the chance to investigate this yet, and I'm not sure I'll be able to do it this week. It's on my agenda, but I have a lot of other stuff there at the moment. I'll get to it sooner or later. Let me know if you find out what's wrong, or how the signature should be.

Shmew commented

No rush! I didn't end up using it, and there's a workaround if I or anyone else comes across it in the meantime.

Let me know if you find out what's wrong, or how the signature should be.

Well it's really just a matter of if you want to create overloads for all the valid html elements or not. Otherwise': (string * (IStyleProperty list) list is valid when used with my second snippet.

So that would look like this I believe:

type muiCssBaseline =
	static member inline global' (overrides: (string * (IStyleAttribute list)) list) : IThemeProp =
		unbox ("overrides.MuiCssBaseline.@global", createObj !!(overrides |> (fun (k,v) -> k, createObj !!v)))

Hmm, but is string the only option for the keys? What if you want to override a MUI component?

And I see that inputBase also has a global name, do you know if that works similarly?

I'm having a hard time finding official MUI docs on this.

Shmew commented

This case is specific only to MuiCssBaseline AFAIK, and so the keys will only be actual html elements.

Do you know how the @global rule works with classes, i.e.

Mui.cssBaseline [' "someClassName"

Is that something that makes sense?

Shmew commented

Since cssBaseline.classes only supports @global you can just do it like the normal components: cssBaseline.classes "someClassName".

Are you confusing @global with the root class name that all MUI components have? I don't think any components other than cssBaseline and inputBase have @global, so that's why I'm unsure whether it's usable in classes at all.

Shmew commented

I could just be confused, but this is what I was looking at that gave me that impression.

I'm thoroughly confused about the class stuff, so I'm leaving that part alone until someone complains.

I have checked in a fix now. Are you able to give it a try and see if it works?

Shmew commented

Yep looks good

Great, thanks a lot! v1.2.1 is in the pipeline now.