
Maintainer wanted for Feliz.MaterialUI

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I am looking for someone to take over this repo. The reasons for this are:

  • Long-running capacity constraints on my part
  • I don't actively use it (or Fable at all)
  • The library seems to be used by quite a few people
  • MUI v5 is coming (no idea when)

Maintaining this library hasn't been much work as Material-UI itself hasn't seen many changes for a while now, but I expect that to pick up when v5 is released.

The work I have done so far has mostly consisted of updating the bindings for new versions of MUI. The steps for this are described in the readme. The only non-mechanical work is in step 2:

Check all changes to Feliz.MaterialUI and adjust the generator’s API parser as needed.

In practice, this mostly entails editing/adding new cases in ApiParser.fs, specifically in the regularOverloads section. Figuring out the actual types to use in the arguments for each prop etc. sometimes require digging into MUI source code, but mostly it's documented clearly and in a way that the parser understands.

Anyone who takes over is of course free to steer Feliz.MaterialUI in whatever direction they desire, refactor with wild abandon, etc.

I will be available for questions etc. in a transition period.

Shmew commented

Hey @cmeeren,

I can take over the repo for you.

I built Feliz.Plotly from a fork of your generator so I'm quite familiar with it and I already have a couple libraries for other material-ui stuff. With these in mind I likely won't need to bug you much if at all with questions.

That is wonderful, @Shmew! Thank you so much. I'll make the arrangements.

You have to delete your fork of Feliz.MaterialUI before I can transfer ownership.

By the way, are you interested in Fable.MaterialUI.Icons and Fable.MaterialUI.MaterialDesignIcons, too? They are practically maintenance free (see the notes at the bottom of the readmes). I have to let go of them, too.

Shmew commented

Okay I deleted my fork.

By the way, are you interested in Fable.MaterialUI.Icons and Fable.MaterialUI.MaterialDesignIcons, too? They are practically maintenance free (see the notes at the bottom of the readmes). I have to let go of them, too.

Yeah sure I can do that.

Great! I have started the transfer. You likely need to approve. This goes for the NuGet packages, too.