
Difference between this project and breitbandmessung-node

Opened this issue · 2 comments

varac commented

Thanks for this great project, I'll try it out very soon.
What's the difference between this project and breitbandmessung-node, why maintain two project that look like they do the same ?
Thanks for clarification!

Hi Varac,

breitbandmessung-node is based on shiaky's project, to which I have made changes. The container is created with Debian or Alpine. With shiaky's repo, the container is terminated after a measurement. I have changed this in the fork.

This project has several advantages. Selenium is used as browser, which allows higher data rates. With this project, notifications are also possible via various channels. The measurements can be saved in a database with this project. However, it is only provided as a Debian container and not as Alpine Container.

varac commented

Thanks, that's good to know. It would be great to have this short differentiation in the I'll try this one then.