
Video not compressing below 10 mb

aamez opened this issue ยท 9 comments

aamez commented

Hi, first of all I appreciate your effort for making this package. Gone through your excel for video compress, can you do the compression for video below 10 mb? or else can you refer some other package for the same?

@aamez i will add prop for this

aamez commented

@aamez i will add prop for this

sure thanks @nomi9995 :)

@nomi9995 Was this prop added? Any updates on it?

@joxw1 no, I did not add. I forgot. i will add it today

@joxw1 i have added minimumFileSizeForCompress for this purpose

i will release today after fixing one or two more issue

@nomi9995 Thanks! Great effort! ๐ŸŽ‰

just released 1.1.0 version of the compressor which has fixed this issue.

yarn add react-native-compressor@1.1.0