Possible error in data deserialization on CartForm
porrodv opened this issue · 2 comments
porrodv commented
What is the location of your example repository?
No response
Which package or tool is having this issue?
What version of that package or tool are you using?
What version of Remix are you using?
Steps to Reproduce
For example, I have a button in a component that uses useFetcher() for send data to locale cart route
onClick={(e) => {
action: 'ActionTest',
inputs: {
test: ['test1', 'test2'],
action: '/cart',
method: 'POST',
<span className='cart-btn-text'>Send data</span>
in ($locale).cart.tsx
i have this action
export async function action({ request, context }: ActionFunctionArgs) {
const { cart } = context;
const formData = await request.formData();
const { action, inputs } = CartForm.getFormInput(formData);
console.log('inputs', inputs);
console.log('action', action);
invariant(action, 'No cartAction defined');
// ....
// code to update the shopify cart component (not important)
// ....
return json(
The logs are this:
inputs Object {
action: ActionTest,
inputs: [object Object]
action undefined
I think it may be an error in how CartForm.getFormInput() handles the data.
This is just an example but the problem does not allow me integrate useFetcher with Shopify Hydrogen Cart.
I see the official documentation but the result is the same
Expected Behavior
inputs Object {
lines: Array(2),
action LinesAdd
This is how data arrives using component
Actual Behavior
inputs Object {
action: ActionTest,
inputs: [object Object]
action undefined
scottdixon commented
Hey @porrodv
Try something like this:
cartFormInput: JSON.stringify({
action: 'ActionTest',
inputs: {
test: ['test1', 'test2'],
{method: 'POST', action: '/cart'},