
Question: set currency for checkout

jarred opened this issue · 5 comments

Now that Shopify Payments has Multi Currency is it possible to set the currency via the SDK that will display in the checkout?

Passing through a &currency=EUR parameter to the url like the docs suggest does not do the trick.


I've had confirmation from the Payments team that adding a currency parameter to the checkout webUrl (eg &currency=EUR) is not supported.

Hoping it's possible to update the currency via this SDK. Otherwise I'll have to redirect to the Shopify frontend and create the cart there, which would be cumbersome.

Hey @jarred, checkout.create(...) accepts a presentmentCurrencyCode, which will create the checkout in the specified currency. More info can be found in the docs

Let me know if this resolves your issue

@spencercanner that's great. It certainly gets me partway there.

Do you know if it's possible to update the presentmentCurrencyCode of an existing checkout? My customers sometimes change the currency in the checkout, once products have been added.

To change the checkout currency, you'll need to create a new checkout using the updated presentmentCurrencyCode