
Storybook: props don't update when using in-page navigation

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Bug summary

When navigating between different example charts in the sidebar, the list of props doesn't update to show what's actually being passed to the preview chart unless you refresh the page.

Expected behavior

The props list reflects the values that were passed to the preview chart after using in-page navigation to switch to a different example.

Actual behavior

The props from the chart that was initially rendered on page load are displayed after you use in-page navigation to go to another example chart.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Open
  2. In the sidebar, click "Comparison" under the "SimpleBarChart" folder


  • Polaris-Viz version number: 9.3.6
  • Browser: Chrome v114.0.5735.133
  • Device: MacBook Pro
  • Operating System: macOS Ventura 13.4