
Charts aren't displaying tooltips for overflow graphs

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug summary

There was a change in v9.10.5 that caused charts to now display the tooltips of charts taht were renderd int he overflow of their parent container.

Code Sandbox v9.10.4 example
Code Sandbox v9.10.5 example

Expected behavior

Display the tooltips of charts that were rendered in the overflow of the parent's container when hovered over (tooltip functionality of v9.10.4).

Actual behavior

In the current version when you hover of the charts there is no tooltip displayed.

CodeSand Box example v10.4.1 (current version)

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. install polaris viz version 9.10.5 or higher
  2. Add a charts within the parent container until there is overflow of the parent container
  3. scroll and hover over the charts that were rendered in the overflow section of the parent container

Reduced test case

Code Sandbox v9.10.4 example
Code Sandbox v9.10.5 example
Code Sandbox v10.4.1 example


  • Polaris-Viz version number: 9.10.5 or higher
  • Browser: chrome
  • Device: Mac
  • Operating System: macOS Sonoma

Or run npx envinfo --system --binaries --browsers --npmPackages react,react-dom,@shopify/polaris-viz to provide specifications on your environment including version numbers, browser, device, and operating system.

Paste the results here: