
Discussion - Is this repo going to be the new Shopify-Django template?

samLozier opened this issue · 0 comments

Good to see the python world getting some attention from Shopify!

I'm not sure if either of the two maintainers of this simple app are interested, but there used to be three apps that could be combined to make an amazing django project and possibly save you some work. They are:

Auth -
Webhook - which handles inbound webooks
and the most useful: shopify django sync that defines models and sets up two way operation between shopify and django:
A more recent fork:
and finally, my personal and even more recently updated fork:

With a little bit of attention, the three could be modernized to facilitate a turn-key fully built out backend for someone trying to build a shopify app.

I'm happy to contribute to this if you're welcoming PR's, but I'd like to know how basic you intend to keep it before I spend the time.