
Class "App\FileSessionStorage" not found

vkharche opened this issue · 3 comments

Issue summary

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my code are

$this->shopify = Context::initialize(
apiKey: Config('constants.shopify.apikey'),
apiSecretKey: config('constants.shopify.apisecret'),
hostName: Config('constants.shopify.shopurl'),
scopes: ['write_products', 'read_products'],
sessionStorage: new FileSessionStorage('/tmp/php_sessions'),
apiVersion: '2023-04',
isEmbeddedApp: false,
isPrivateApp: true,

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Tip: include an error message (in a <details></details> tag) if your issue is related to an error

Steps to reproduce the problem

Reduced test case

The best way to get your bug fixed is to provide a reduced test case.


  • I have described this issue in a way that is actionable (if possible)

maybe this will help - you have to setup your own session storage class:

This issue is stale because it has been open for 60 days with no activity. It will be closed if no further action occurs in 14 days.

We are closing this issue because it has been inactive for a few months.
This probably means that it is not reproducible or it has been fixed in a newer version.
If it’s an enhancement and hasn’t been taken on since it was submitted, then it seems other issues have taken priority.

If you still encounter this issue with the latest stable version, please reopen using the issue template. You can also contribute directly by submitting a pull request– see the file for guidelines

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