
Error on shopify.session.getCurrentId

molotow11 opened this issue · 5 comments

Issue summary

I have an error when trying to get current session with Error on shopify.session.getCurrentId

Expected behavior

Get session object

Actual behavior

const sessionId = await shopify.session.getCurrentId({
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getCurrentId')

Steps to reproduce the problem

Imported shopify from web/shopify.js
Then executed this code inside my custom route:

const sessionId = await shopify.session.getCurrentId({
isOnline: false,
rawRequest: req,
rawResponse: res,


  • Browser: Chrome
  • Device: PC
  • Operating System: Windows 11

Found that I need to use shopify.api.session.getCurrentId
But here in docs we have other spelling -

The template provided by this repo is using the Express library (@shopify/shopify-app-express) which in turn uses @shopify/shopify-api-js API library.

The return value of shopifyApp (from the @shopify/shopify-app-express package) includes an api property through which the API library functionality can be accessed. (Reference)

Thanks for your answer!
Why in the docs we have different spelling? It is just shopify.session.getCurrentId

@molotow11 The docs you're referring to are the docs for the @shopify/shopify-api library package, where we use shopify to refer to an instance of the API, e.g.,

const shopify = shopifyApi({...config});

Hence, the getCurrentId method is available using shopify.session.getCurrentId.

The code that you're using as reference is from the template, which is built using the @shopify/shopify-app-express package, which has @shopify/shopify-api as a dependency. In that template, the shopify constant is NOT the Shopify API instance but the Shopify Express App instance, e.g.,

const shopify = shopifyApp({...appConfig});

When using the @shopify/shopify-app-express package, the API is available from the Express instance via the api property, i.e., getCurrentId method is available using shopify.api.session.getCurrentId.

So using shopifyApp from @shopify/shopify-app-express is the same as using shopifyApi from @shopify/shopify-api ?

Assuming we will use shopifyApp and @shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-sqlite like the template, how can we request the data from backend (for a reason like once the merchant installs the app, we get all store data) without using useAuthenticatedFetch() in the frontend ?

I tried this and it didn't work!


import path from 'path';
import {LATEST_API_VERSION} from '@shopify/shopify-api';
import {shopifyApp} from '@shopify/shopify-app-express';
import {SQLiteSessionStorage} from '@shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-sqlite';

import {restResources} from '@shopify/shopify-api/rest/admin/2023-01';

const shopify = shopifyApp({
  api: {
    apiVersion: LATEST_API_VERSION,
    billing: undefined,
  auth: {
    path: '/api/auth',
    callbackPath: '/api/auth/callback',
  webhooks: {
    path: '/api/webhooks',
  sessionStorage: new SQLiteSessionStorage(`${path.dirname(process.cwd())}/server/database.sqlite`),

export default shopify;


async function getSessionFromStorage(sessionId) {
  try {
    const session = await shopify.config.sessionStorage.loadSession(sessionId);
    return session;
  } catch (error) {
    return `Error loading session: ${error}`;

export async function getShopInformationFromBackend(req, res) {
  try {
    // NOTE: Session is retrieved from backend in this case
    const sessionId = await shopify.api.session.getCurrentId({
      isOnline: true,
      rawRequest: req,
      rawResponse: res,

    const sessionFromStorage = await getSessionFromStorage(sessionId);

    // NOTE: Call Shopify API
    const clientRes = new shopify.api.clients.Rest({sessionFromStorage});
    const response = await clientRes.get({path: 'shop'});
    return response;
  } catch (e) {