
Loading REST resources for API version undefined, which doesn't match the default 2023-04

kfwebdev opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue summary

Shopify-api load-rest-resources breaks when trying to load rest-resources.

resources[firstResource].API_VERSION is undefined

Error is thrown here:

    if (config.apiVersion !== resources[firstResource].API_VERSION) {
        (0, logger_1.logger)(config).warning(`Loading REST resources for API version ${resources[firstResource].API_VERSION}, which doesn't match the default ${config.apiVersion}`);
  • @shopify/shopify-app-express version: ^1.1.0
  • Node version: 18.13.0
  • Operating system: Windows 10
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    | [shopify-api/WARNING] Loading REST resources for API version undefined, which doesn't match the default 2023-04
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    | C:\web\projects\shopify-video-player\web\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-app-express\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-api\rest\load-rest-resources.js:17
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |         Object.entries(NewResource.HAS_ONE).map(([_attribute, klass]) => {
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |                ^
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    | TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at Function.entries (<anonymous>)
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at C:\web\projects\shopify-video-player\web\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-app-express\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-api\rest\load-rest-resources.js:17:16
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at (<anonymous>)
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at loadRestResources (C:\web\projects\shopify-video-player\web\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-app-express\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-api\rest\load-rest-resources.js:10:57)
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at Object.shopifyApi (C:\web\projects\shopify-video-player\web\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-app-express\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-api\lib\index.js:43:68)
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at shopifyApp (C:\web\projects\shopify-video-player\web\node_modules\@shopify\shopify-app-express\build\cjs\index.js:26:26)
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at file:///C:/web/projects/shopify-video-player/web/shopify.js:19:17
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |     at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:194:25)
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    |
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    | Node.js v18.13.0
2023-06-05 05:30:38 | backend    | [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

Expected behavior

Error should not occur.

Actual behavior

Error occurs.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Run npm run dev

Issue was resolved by fixing the @shopify/shopify-app-express version from "^1.1.0" to "^2.1.1"