Webhooks is not triggering.
masumluf opened this issue · 3 comments
Yesterday I have created an app using Shopify CLI command. I am trying to print some log whenever anybody uninstall my app. Here is my code below
shopify.app.tomal file
topics = [ "app/uninstalled" ]
uri = "/webhooks/app/uninstalled"
webhooks.app.uninstalled.jsx in the routes folder file
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import db from "../db.server";
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
console.log("--- uninstall hook triggered ---");
const { shop, session, topic } = await authenticate.webhook(request);
console.log(`Received ${topic} webhook for ${shop}`);
console.log(shop, session, topic, "shop, session, topic");
if (session) {
db.session.deleteMany({ where: { shop } });
return new Response();
Since I am new in shopify app development. I am unable to figure out why this portion of code is not executing while anybody uninstall my app ?Is there anything I have missed ? My
Hey there, have you deployed your app after adding the webhook section to your toml?
Please checked registerd webhook list via api call. please check this example https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-rest/2024-01/resources/webhook#get-webhooks
Hey there, have you deployed your app after adding the webhook section to your toml?
Hello not yet, I am running my shopify app locally. I thought new remix routing system will able to receive webhook call but it is not. So I have created a simple node server and use that address and now I can see webhook is triggering.