
ReferenceError: $ is not defined at dist/assets/theme.js?5556:274 in Shopify Slate theme

jayeshcspl opened this issue · 2 comments

I using slate for shopify theme developement.
Slate :

node -v : v10.16.0
npm -v : 6.9.0
slate -v : 0.14.0

Followed following step

  1. slate theme mydemo
  2. slate build (created dist folder)
  3. slate zip (upload this theme on shopify store and get theme id.)
  4. set store, password, theme id in config.yml file.
  5. slate deploy
  6. slate watch

Get error in complied dist folder Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined in dist/assets/theme.js at line number 274 slate.Sections.prototype = $.extend({}, slate.Sections.prototype, { when I change variation from dropdown price and product image not change due to javascript error.

The first step doesn't seem correct. The new project command in the docs uses npx:

npx create-slate-theme my-new-theme

The first step doesn't seem correct. The new project command in the docs uses npx:

npx create-slate-theme my-new-theme

I have used slate command from this document.