
Issue with deploys / missing files for several minutes.

joeldmyers opened this issue · 0 comments

This repo is currently on low maintenance. See README for details


File A is deployed early in the process, needs new file B (a snippet) which is deployed at the end - it shows "Liquid error (line 64): Could not find asset snippets/test-hp-tiles.liquid"

Replication steps

Create a section that requires a new snippet and deploy.

More Information

The issue is that the files are slowly deployed one at a time; I just had a really bad example where I used slate deploy and it had the liquid error for about 5 minutes, because one file was deployed that required a snippet that didn't get added until 5 minutes later:

Liquid error (line 64): Could not find asset snippets/test-hp-tiles.liquid

I wonder if it might be possible to do something using ECR/ECS from AWS, or something similar, to swap out the new theme files all at once? That could be combined with some kind of Jenkins style CI that hooks into Git repo, which would also solve your file integrity issue. Not sure how to scale that with Shopify's back end bc I'm not entirely sure how you have things set up, but just my two cents :)