
No template-based JS bundles are imported on Product and Collection template alternatives

davidwarrington opened this issue · 2 comments

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I'm not sure if I'm going about this the wrong way, but the template based JS bundling doesn't seem to work on product or collection templates. I tried creating templates/product.product-builder.js template file to be used on templates/product.product-builder.liquid and none of the JS works. Similarly with the collection templates. To make matters worse, neither import templates/product.js or template/collection.js either.

This does work fine for alternative page templates though.

Replication steps

  1. Make matching template files in your src/templates and src/scripts/templates directories, e.g src/template/product.alt.liquid and src/scripts/templates/product.alt.js.
  2. Add a simple script such as a console.log to your new JS file.
  3. Run yarn watch.
  4. Set a product or collection page to use the new alternative template via the admin.
  5. Visit said page and check

I have found that when you add a new js file to src/scripts/templates - you will need to run a full yarn start again.

Edit: Just ran into this. Definitely looks like a bug. Webpack is emitting the chunks but they are not getting written properly to style-tags and/or script-tags. Maybe something in here?

Not going to lie, I'm somewhat relieved that I wasn't just being stupid and missing a step like that