
".self" displays list of aaaa's

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Pretty weird issue, see screenshot.

The shell window gives me > instead of iPhone Simulator: Debug Me >

And when I type .self {enter} I get a scrollable list of a's...

Seen this before / any idea's ?

superdb issue

Though it does make an awesome bug title, yeah that is sort of a bug. I've been working on a code completion menu, but it's not quite finished yet. I think you might be on an older commit where I hadn't yet disabled it (or you I commented the completion stuff).

Either way, it's best left off for now.

You might have been on master before I merged develop into it. I'd pull all branches from origin. That should fix it.

Weird, I seemed to have only cloned the develop branch..

I just cloned with:$ git clone

But $ git branch gives me:

$ git pull origin
    Already up-to-date.
$ git branch
    * develop

So I tried to clone the master branch with..

$ git  clone suberdb3 -b master 

But I still get the aaaa's.

I'm at commit 1b04fb768154cda7bdbfc366e0f8d459fb0e2737

You can disable the suggestionWindowController here, but the shell doesn't seem to be working.

- (void)configureDisconnectedShell {
    self.prompt = @"> ";
    [self.shellView setInputHandler:^(NSString *input, JBShellView *sender) {

        NSMutableArray *array = [@[] mutableCopy];
        NSString *completion = @"a";
        for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            [array addObject:@{@"title" : completion}];
            completion = [completion stringByAppendingString:@"a"];
//      [self.suggestionWindowController setSuggestions:array];
//      [self.suggestionWindowController beginForParentTextView:sender];


Screen Shot 2013-01-22 at 12 19 10 PM

As figured out in issue #10 this might be caused by pressing the Shell button (which is there for my testing) instead of attaching to a device. This is my bad for not including it in the readme. I'll try to get this fixed up soon, currently don't have access to Xcode.

oh.. yeah indeed, that seemed to be the problem. I figured you had to select the right application and then press the shell button instead of double-click on the application to attach it. I thought I tried everything but it seemed I didn't. Thanks for the reply.