
Initial menu does not recognize the 'x' key

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It looks like when starting pilomar the very first menu does not recognize the 'x' key and says 'try again'. Here is the terminal dump

`pi@pilomar:~/pilomar/src $ ./pilomar

SoftwareStartDatetime: 2024-02-04 20:09:45.032943+00:00 UTC
Using realtime clock.
Project root /home/pi/pilomar
Current time is: 2024-02-04 20:09:45.033469+00:00 UTC, offset is None seconds. 2024-01-30 19:18:18.970106
Main log to /home/pi/pilomar/log/pilomar_20240204200945.log
Camera log to /home/pi/pilomar/log/pilomar_camera_20240204200945.log
Removing out of date log files to preserve disc space...
find /home/pi/pilomar/log -type f -name 'pilomar_*.log' -mtime +2 -delete
2024-02-04 20:09:45 Loading parameters from file: /home/pi/pilomar/data/pilomar_params.json
Current UTC time is: 2024-02-04 20:09:45.283973+00:00
Local time is: 2024-02-04 15:09:45.283973-05:00
Python3 is UTF-8 compliant, make sure that the terminal is in UTF-8 mode too.
2024-02-04 20:09:45 Initial: Using SD card for images. /
Motors enabled
DetectCamera: raspistill -o /home/pi/pilomar/temp/testraspistill.jpg
WARNING: reported in LogFile: 2024-02-04 20:09:45 DetectCamera: Camera not found.
DetectCamera: False
Camera disabled
2024-02-04 20:09:45 The program will generate simulated images instead.
2024-02-04 20:09:48 azimuth motor restored to last known position 48000 ( 180.000° )
2024-02-04 20:09:48 altitude motor restored to last known position 0 ( 000.000° )
2024-02-04 20:09:48 Home location Latitude 36.017935 N, Longitude 84.215594 W
2024-02-04 20:09:48 Hipparcos data cache exists, using that.

Select target
1 Resume last observation 2 Repeat earlier observations
3 Solar system object 4 Hipparcos star catalog
5 Messier catalog 6 New General Catalog (NGC)
7 Comet 8 Meteor shower
9 Space stations/satellites 10 RA-DEC co-ordinates
11 Fixed ALT-AZ point
x Exit ? Refresh
Menu option : x
? Try again.

Select target
1 Resume last observation 2 Repeat earlier observations
3 Solar system object 4 Hipparcos star catalog
5 Messier catalog 6 New General Catalog (NGC)
7 Comet 8 Meteor shower
9 Space stations/satellites 10 RA-DEC co-ordinates
11 Fixed ALT-AZ point
x Exit ? Refresh
Menu option : `

Well spotted, I'll check that out.
As a workaround you can just select '1 Resume last observation' to get out of the menu and keep the current selection.
When the program first starts up you have to select a target in order to proceed, but after that it should allow you to back out of target selection and keep the current choice.

Testing solution which reloads the 'last target' automatically if you 'x' out of the target selection menu.
Will be part of the 2024-01-issues branch when ready.
