[Feature Request] fire autocmd on end of `makeState`
kuuote opened this issue · 1 comments
kuuote commented
I want to running makeState
at background. but it was asynchronous process.
Therefore I think it solved if event fired at end of makeState
Implements roughly proposal to https://github.com/kuuote/dpp.vim/tree/feat-dppmakestatedone
and assumed configuration is following code.
" from help
if dpp#min#load_state(s:dpp_base)
execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:denops_src
autocmd User DenopsReady
\ call dpp#make_state(s:dpp_base, '{your TypeScript file path}')
" and auto exit
autocmd User DppMakeStateDone * quit!
Shougo commented
I have added dpp:makeStatePost