
Non-english completions

naquad opened this issue · 19 comments

Completion works fine with English characters, but it doesn't trigger with Russian while manual invocation of completion (<c-x><c-n>) works fine.

It is feature. You want to complete non English characters, you must change g:neocomplcache#keyword_patterns variable.


As I understand variable is g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns['_'].
I've set it to [\kА-Яа-я]\+ (which works: :echo match('тест', '[\kА-Яа-я]\+')) that didn't help :(
Any clues?

UPD: file was text (test.txt)

If you want to edit text filetype, you must change g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns['text'].

that didn't help either :(

let g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns['text']= '[\kа-яА-Я]\+' - not working

I think you must regenerate cache by :NeoComplCacheClean.

Didn't help.

It is same behavior on neocomplete?
I don't want to change neocomplcache. But if neocomplete, I will check it.

I don't have neocomplete and can't check it.

Oh, I get it.
I think it is feature. Because, neocomplete or neocomplcache ignore multibyte input.

It is neocomplete function. But neocomplcache is same.

function! neocomplete#is_multibyte_input(cur_text) "{{{
  return (exists('b:skk_on') && b:skk_on)
        \     || char2nr(split(a:cur_text, '\zs')[-1]) > 0x80

You cannot complete full multibyte input candidates like тест.

Erm so basically it can't be fixed because you call that bug a feature? 0o

It is not bug. It is intended feature. Because, current GVim IM integration is buggy.
Auto completion should not work on IM input. So, neocomplete/neocomplcache ignores multibyte input.

Could you please add some option to turn this off? like g:neocomplcache_force_multibite or something

I don't want to change neocomplcache code. Pull request is wellcome.

I think the name should beg:neocomplcache_enable_multibyte_completion.

I've called it g:neocomplcache_allow_multibyte, but that can be changed. In any case that causes some unclear issue I can't figure out: completion looses last byte, i.e. was тест and suggestion is тес. Trying to figure it out.

Well, neocomplcache has multibyte input bugs. Can you check it?