
"vim" is not found

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Problems summary

I use "space vim" and it include plugin neocomplete.vim, and then I open vim type some python code,
when I type code like "def" it show some selection let me choice. But the status show :
[neocomplete] Vim path : "vim" is not found.You must add "vim" installed path in $PATH.

Environment Information

  • OS: linux
  • Vim version:8.0.1366

Provide a minimal .vimrc with less than 50 lines (Required!)

I use space vim and I can`t found $HOME/.vimrc

Screen shot (if possible)


"vim" command is needed in your $PATH.
But I recommend for you to use deoplete.nvim instead.

Note: Active development on neocomplete.vim has stopped. The only future changes will be bug fixes.

Please see Deoplete.nvim.