Flask + Javascript powered WebApp using Google News API
It has been deployed on AWS- http://newsappusc.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
Creating a website using Google News API to display news from various sources and allow users to search for news based on parameters such as:
- Keywords
- Publish Date Range
- Genre
- Source
External libraries and APIs
- Google News API
- d-3 cloud library
Front-end Technologies
- Javascript
Back-end Technologies
- Flask (Python)
Home Page
The home page has a carousel that shows the latest news from all sources. This news is fetched from the Google News API. The home page also features a word cloud of top 30 most frequently appearing words in news titles. The home page also displays the top 5 news articles from Fox News and CNN which are fetched using Google News API. The button on the left is used to toggle between the home page and the search page.
Home Page News
Filtering News
Search Results
Run code
- Clone this github repository
- Start the virtual environment using
source venv/bin/activate
- Run
python app.py
to start the server