
A compiled list of kaggle competitions and their winning solutions for sequence problems.

Kaggle - Sequence

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana

This is a compiled list of Kaggle competitions and their winning solutions for sequential data, such as NLP problems.

The purpose to complie this list is for easier access and therefore learning from the best in data science.

Literature review is a crucial yet sometimes overlooked part in data science. To avoid reinventing the wheels and get inspired on how to preprocess, engineer, and model the data, it's worth spend 1/10 to 1/5 of the project time just researching how people deal with similar problems/datasets.

Time spent on literature review is time well spent.

This is only one list of the whole compilation. For other lists of competitions and solutions, please refer to:

Hope the compilation can save you efforts and offer you insights. Enjoy!


Thu 2 Jun 2016 - Fri 30 Sep 2016

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences is a 50+ year effort by mathematicians the world over to catalog sequences of integers.


Tue 27 Oct 2015 – Tue 26 Jan 2016

In this recruiting competition, Winton challenges you to take on the very difficult task of predicting the future (stock returns). Given historical stock performance and a host of masked features, can you predict intra and end of day returns without being deceived by all the noise?


Mon 1 Jun 2015 – Mon 5 Oct 2015

Remove noise from printed text


Mon 29 Jun 2015 – Mon 31 Aug 2015

Identify hand motions from EEG recordings


Tue 9 Dec 2014 – Tue 30 Jun 2015

Use Google's Word2Vec for movie reviews


Thu 8 May 2014 – Fri 1 May 2015

Find and impute missing words in the billion word corpus


Fri 28 Feb 2014 – Sat 28 Feb 2015

Classify the sentiment of sentences from the Rotten Tomatoes dataset


Mon 25 Aug 2014 – Mon 17 Nov 2014

Predict seizures in intracranial EEG recordings


Thu 2 Oct 2014 – Mon 10 Nov 2014

Classify text blocks in documents


Tue 24 Jun 2014 – Sun 31 Aug 2014

Predict which ads contain illicit content


Wed 22 Jan 2014 – Tue 22 Apr 2014

Classify Wikipedia documents into one of 325,056 categories


Fri 11 Oct 2013 – Fri 10 Jan 2014

Re-rank web documents using personal preferences


Fri 30 Aug 2013 – Fri 20 Dec 2013

This competition tests your text skills on a large dataset from the Stack Exchange sites. The task is to predict the tags (a.k.a. keywords, topics, summaries), given only the question text and its title. The dataset contains content from disparate stack exchange sites, containing a mix of both technical and non-technical questions.


Fri 27 Sep 2013 – Sun 1 Dec 2013

What can a #machine learn from tweets about the #weather?


Wed 16 Oct 2013 – Sun 24 Nov 2013

Identify which of 87 classes of birds and amphibians are present into 1000 continuous wild sound recordings


Tue 2 Jul 2013 – Wed 30 Oct 2013

Disaggregate household energy consumption into individual appliances


Mon 17 Jun 2013 – Mon 19 Aug 2013

Predict the set of bird species present in an audio recording, collected in field conditions.


Fri 10 May 2013 – Mon 17 Jun 2013

Develop recognition solutions to detect and classify right whales for BIG data mining and exploration studies


Wed 8 May 2013 – Mon 17 Jun 2013

Identify bird species from continuous audio recordings


Mon 2 Jul 2012 – Mon 24 Sep 2012

Identify product mentions within a largely user-generated web-based corpus and disambiguate the mentions against a large product catalog.


Tue 18 Sep 2012 – Fri 21 Sep 2012

The challenge is to detect when a comment from a conversation would be considered insulting to another participant in the conversation.


Wed 20 Jun 2012 – Fri 7 Sep 2012

Predict which blog posts someone will like.


Mon 25 Jun 2012 – Wed 5 Sep 2012

Develop a scoring algorithm for student-written short-answer responses.


Mon 18 Jun 2012 – Sat 1 Sep 2012

Match source code files to the open source code project


Fri 10 Feb 2012 – Mon 30 Apr 2012

Develop an automated scoring algorithm for student-written essays.


Fri 8 Feb 2013 – Mon 8 Apr 2013

Create an algorithm to detect North Atlantic right whale calls from audio recordings, prevent collisions with shipping traffic


Tue 21 Feb 2012 – Sun 15 Apr 2012

Identify which writer wrote which documents.


Mon 28 Feb 2011 – Sun 10 Apr 2011

This competition require participants to develop an algorithm to identify who wrote which documents. The winner will be honored at a special session of the ICDAR 2011 conference.
