
Closes on launch with windows

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Crashes on launch with windows build: 17134 (10.0.17134)
Python has been reinstalled but no fix.

I mainly use macOS but will try to investigate. Thanks for letting me know of the issue!

@SquidRollr Do you have an error log so I can better diagnose the problem? Seems that #2 is also describing a similar issue.

Where's an error log?

@SquidRollr Does the Python instance have any traceback? It should spew a bunch of text when it fails.
I need that.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\Splatoon2RichPresence-master\Splatoon2RichPresence-master\", line 7, in
import time, tkinter, requests
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'

Do you have requests installed? pip should come with it, and pip should be shipped with python3.

Yeah, I've even reinstalled them.

Once the code has been run, the terminal closes automatically. Maybe that is the problem?

You could try to fix it with this:

while running == True:

Or with something like that.



wow this question is old

@hagretek Yeah. I need to find a way to get a hold of a Windows machine so I can try to fix this.

@Shugabuga Just download Oracle VirtualBox. Microsoft looks at Windows 10 as a service now, so there are enough virus-free Windows 10 mirrors and maybe one official from Microsoft.

@hagretek I don't know why I didn't think of that, given that I have an older Win10 install disk and VirtualBox. I guess my tiny SSD dissuaded me from going that route.

Thanks for the idea!