
Can an Arduino Due load the ROM onto the W25Q32 flash chip?

AndrewMascolo opened this issue · 1 comments


I am trying to do something similar to your project, but I've never tried to program an external flash chip before. I was wondering if you can walk me through it a bit? I have an Arduino Due, is this enough to right the ROM data to the flash chip or do I need to use something else like a raspberry pi?

I see that you mentioned the Stellaris Launchpad, but was this for the flash chip itself or for the ESP32 module?

Shyri commented

Hi Andrew,
Sorry for the late reply.
I'm not familiar with Arduino Due, I did a quick search and I think it has 512KB flash so it should be ok. The problem with the Arduino Uno I had is it was 32KB and since the gba rom must be embedded in the program as a byte array it didn't fit the memory. I used Stellaris Launchpad for this purpose since it was what I had on hand and with 256KB flash memory it was enough to hold the gba rom data in a byte array.
I guess Arduino Due would probably run this code out of the box: gba-hid-fw-flasher.ino

When I migrated all this to ESP32 I just used a regular ESP32 programmer for convenience.
I hope this helps you in your project :) If you make it public I'd love to hear about it.