
Projectiles activates teleporters

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This was previously in the project a few years ago, but I don't remember why it was removed.

I think ZDoom limitations hit me hard on this one. Tested this out with Acerbus, the 3D Teleporters (applying the script needed) will take the projectile as input - as expected, but going out - the projectile doesn't append its original angle and instead collides instantly at the floor.

This could be because of this (graphically):
------ < Ceiling
| < Upper level
------ < 3D Floor
| < 3D Teleport trigger (standard teleport line)
------- < Floor

That teleport line should cover from the floor to the ceiling, but in this scenario - we're only using half of the line but ZDoom doesn't know this as its an illusion. The calculations of the projectiles angle probably gets lost in this sort of translations. But I am merely assuming after doing a few test. If anyone knows how to resolve this, let me know so I can finish implementing this feature -- such a nice vision and dream can come true once this black smudge has been removed.