
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cypress exercise

Getting started

  • Install dependencies with npm
$ npm i
  • Run the project
"npm run cy:open" or "npx cypress open"
  • to run all tests headless and create mochawesome.html report as merged html file with junit and mochawesome reports
"npm run cy:e2e"

../support/page/brellaPage.js covers the all functions. ../support/command files has functions that can be reachable from anywhere. .prettierrc file has format settings. Under the mochawesome-report folder, mochawesome.html report can be found. Under the cypress/results folder there are junit and mochawesome folders which have .xml and .json files created seperately, each file represents a spec file.


Your challenge is to list all test cases you would automate for the below form. Wrssite at least two ready test cases and just list the rest.

How would you improve this assignment? Please share your thoughts.

  • This assignment covers pretty much everything actually, but maybe these could also be added for testing:
    • A report that shows the test results I added
    • Test plan document regarding on testing the page which also covers hypothetical tests, steps etc.I added
    • There could be some API calls to use in test steps like cy.request(), cy.intercept()
    • Assignment could have such a validation like same email address can not be used
    • Year picker could have such a validation like future years can not be selected
    • Also picker could be date picker with some limitation
    • After save action, there could be filter options, sort action or search
    • Created boxes could be displayed in expand-collapse logic
    • ...

I didn't use cucumber for BDD test cases due to project was shared with me with mocha functions(it)