Getting started

  • Install dependencies with npm
$ npm i
  • Run the project
"npm run cy:open" or "npx cypress open"
  • to run all tests headless and create mochawesome.html report as merged html file with junit and mochawesome reports
"npm run cy:e2e"


  • If possible, my account's all videos can be made uninitialized to see all cases, or account can be changed to a new one with the same privilege, or just run with my account.
  • Account info(ID,Pwd) can be changed in cypress.json > env

../integrations/page-objects/pages has 3 .js files. ../integrations/page-objects/pages/basePage.js includes general base page functions. ../integrations/page-objects/pages/exercisePage.js includes functions that related with exercise. ../integrations/page-objects/pages/stepPage.js includes functions that related with step.

../integrations/tests has 2 test files. ../integrations/tests/today.spec.js includes most critical user flows on Today page. ../integrations/tests/myWeek.spec.js includes most critical user flows on My Week page.

../support/command files has functions that can be reachable from anywhere.

.prettierrc file has format settings. Under the mochawesome-report folder, mochawesome.html report can be found. Under the cypress/results folder there are junit and mochawesome folders which have .xml and .json files created seperately, each file represents a spec file.

Most critical user flows

  • Login
  • Completing daily traning from Today page
  • Adding daily step from Today page
  • Completing exercise from My Week page
  • Adding daily step from My Week page
  • Sync Device
  • Logout

Most critical functions

  • Checking repetition if exist
  • Checking sets number if exist
  • Checking the total daily step number
  • Checking total weekly step number
  • Pause-continue on video

These are the main functionality and flows, therefore needs to be tested. My tests cover these important flows and function checks. Due to content's dynamism I tried to handle most cases, but maybe there are some cases I have not handled yet. There are also some bugs in the app, and I only defined one of them in myWeek test file second test.

Other bugs

  • Video keywords does not display properly
  • In some videos, sets numbers works unstable