
Cant import @siderite/linqer as its not a module

Opened this issue · 4 comments

import Linqer from '@siderite/linqer' causes the following error to show.

File 'd:/Repo/SnapRepo/Server-React/ClientApp/node_modules/@siderite/linqer/LInQer.all.d.ts' is not a module.ts(2306)

Can you add support for import please :)

Thanks for the report. I will try to make this work for both TS and node. I fix one and I break the other :(

I gave up on making import work. Just import @types/node and use require in the code. I appreciate any advice or help, but I think I will only make this work for all Node.js and TypeScript in version 2.0.

Will try @types/node,
I wont be of much help unfortunately :')

The problem for me is that I did this in Javascript, moved to TypeScript for the type safety, but I am not actually using it anywhere except as a .js file in web apps that I only make for myself. If you give me the exact way you are using it, I can help you on a case to case basis.