Automatic Pump and Water Level Controller


Water is the important natural resource that should be efficiently used. Our project ‘Automatic Pump and Water Level Controller’ uses the Arduino and Ultrasonic senser. The Basic idea of the project is to ensure the proper use of water and reduce the wastage of water. This basic idea can be implemented in many fields and purposes such as irrigation in agriculture land, water pump controlling water usage monitoring etc.

Working of the System

All the components in the project are controlled by Arduino which is micro controller. The ultrasonic sensor finds the level of the water by finding the time for the wave emitted by the emitter which bounces from the surface of the water and is received in the reviver. It is then multiplied with the speed of the sound to find the level of the water. This distance is used to switch on and off the DC motor. When the water level is less than the reference the DC motor is switched on and pumps water, else if the water level is at the required level the DC motor is switched off. To indicate the working of the DC motor we use an LED. An NPN transistor is used to amplify the signal to the DC motor. An LCD screen is used to show the water level in percentage. The LCD also has a progress bar which increases and decreases as per the water level. A servo motor is used here to represent if the system is on or off by changing its hands position. A slide switch is used to switch off and switch on the system.

Project Link

Automatic Pump and Water Level Controller

Group Members




  1. Arduino Lessons by Paul McWhorter

  2. Arduino-based automatic water level indicator and controller project we are going to estimate the water level using ultrasonic sensors

  3. Water Level Monitoring

  4. News on wastage of water

  1. Studies