
Perl-based backup script with wildcard support, MySQL/Oracle support, highly configurable

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

SGLBackup.pl - English Documentation

Last Update on August 12th, 2008

SGLBackup is a small perlscript that is able to back up directories or MySQL and Oracle databases. This script was mainly programmed for my private purposes to have an easy and fully automatic process to back up my own created Websites and databases. Development was always focused to have less work as possible with the whole backup process, the only thing I have to do manually is burning the backups on CDs every weekend.

The script has the following features:

  • Unlimited amount of filesystem backups (per Directory)
  • Unlimited amount of MySQL Backups (via mysqldump)
  • Unlimited amount of Oracle Backups (via Oracle Export utility)
  • Support for gzip or bzip2 to compress the tar()ed files.
  • Backups can be copied to either locally mounted filesystems or via FTP to remote destination hosts.
  • Easy configuration with an "Ini-Style" configuration file.
  • Support for wildcards as directory entries. (V0.38+)
  • Support for wildcards as MySQL Database names (V0.39+)
  • Support for auto-created target directories based on input dirs (V0.41+)
  • Free :-)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Before you can use this script you have to check the requirements as listed below:

a) Perl modules

The script requires the following perl modules:

FindBin Config::IniFiles Getopt::Long Pod::Usage Time::HiRes Net::FTP File::Copy File::Basename

A lot of these modules are already part of the perl core distribution, all others could be downloaded from www.cpan.org.

b) 3rd-Party tools:

Most of the functionality of SGLbackup relies on 3rd-Party tools, which are currently the following:

  • Tar (GNU Tar!) for creating the backup files.
  • GZip or BZip2 to compress the tar files.
  • Mysqldump (If you plan to backup MySQL databases)
  • Oracle Export (If you plan to backup Oracle databases)
  • Scp/Ssh executables to send files via SCP.

At least "tar" and one of the packers (either "gzip" or bzip2") must be configured, everything else is optional and up to you.

Configuration of SGLBackup is done via a plain textfile, which is per default named as config.ini and searched in the current directory. You can use the # sign for comments. Parameters are always given in the following form:

key = value

These keywords are grouped in sections for better overview. Section names are enclosed in square brackets [] and all according keywords have to follow after the section name.

Currently, the following keywords and sections are known to SGLBackup:

Section [COMMAND]

TAR = /usr/local/bin/tar

Defines the full path to your tar program.

TAROPTS = -chf

Defines the parameter used to call TAR. If this parameter is not given SGLBackup uses "-chf" as default parameter (V0.39+).

GZIP = /usr/bin/gzip --fast --force

Defines the full path to your favourite packer program INCLUDING all options required for your packer to force the packer to overwrite existing files (i.e. --force) and which packing ratio should be used (i.e. --best).

GZIP_EXT = .gz

Define here which extension your choosen packer uses, i.e. gzip uses *.gz while bzip2 use *.bz2. This is required to handle the created files correctly!

TMPDIR = /wd/temp

You may specify a directory the script should use as temporary directory. If you leave out this parameter the script tries to use /tmp.

LOGFILE = /export/home/siegel/SGLBackup/sglbackup.log

Specify here a full pathname where you want the logfile to be written to. If you need no logfile remove this parameter.

MYSQLDUMP = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump

Specify here where to find the "mysqldump" utility that is used to back up MySQL Databases. If this parameter is not given MySQL support is disabled. Available since V0.33.

MYSQLDUMPOPTS = --routines --trigger

Specify here additional options to be passed to mysqldump. The parameter listed here in this example enable exporting of internal routines/functions and triggers, which are all supported since MySQL V5.x.

Available since V0.40.

MKNOD = /bin/mknod

Defines the full path to the "mknod" executable, which is used to create named pipes. This is only neccessary if you plan to use the VLDB mode of SGLBackup (see section "BACKUP_SETS for more information).

MAIL_CMD = /usr/bin/printf "%b" "{BODY_TEXT}" | /bin/mail -s "{SUBJECT}" your@email.com

Specifies the mail command to be executed whenever an error occured. Will replace {BODY_TEXT} with the corresponding error messages and {SUBJECT} with the generated email subject.

Available since V0.40.


DIR_<x> = /html/testpath1

Defines the directory to back up for backup set . This is a multimode parameter as you can either define here a full path to a directory to back up or specify special keywords to define Database backups. Format is as follows:

  • If a complete pathname (starting with a '/') is given this directory will be completly backupped.

  • If either ORACLE: or MYSQL: stands as first keyword database backup mode is choosen. The format of these strings is for Oracle:


or for MySQL


If you omit the schema or database parameter the whole database will be exported. In both cases the according tool of your database vendor is called, for Oracle this is $ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp while for MySQL it is determined from the configuration file (parameter MYSQLDUMP).

Since V0.39 it is possible to enter a wildcard as MySQL Database name, this would look like this:


This would result in backuping ALL databases of the given MySQL DB, one file per found database.


Would only back up databases with names starting with "test"

See examples below.

If you have given a directory path make sure that the user under which SGLBackup is running has proper permissions to read the target directory, else the backup won't work!

Since V0.38 you can also add wildcards (aka patterns) as directory names, so if you use i.e.

DIR_0 = /html/php*

SGLBackup will then scan the /html folder and add all matching php* directory entries as own configuration entries. There are a number of restrictions when using patterns, see end of docs for further information about using this mode.


Name for given backupset. Please use characters that are suitable to be used inside a filename, as SGLBackup creates backupfiles with this name as prefix!

Also, when using wildcards for directories this name is used as prefix, the found directory name is append with an underscore to that prefix here.


Here you have to specify how the backup file should be transported to your backup device, currently FCOPY and FTP are supported.

If you use i.e. an external hard disc that is mounted, you may use FCOPY (FileCopy) as mode and have to enter a valid destination directory with write access under the corresponding DEST_<x> parameter.

You may also use FTP as mode, in this case you have to enter valid logindata with the FTP_<x> parameter.

Since V0.41 you can also use the SCP option to use SecureCoPy (SSH).

You can also combine both parameter, i.e.


would copy the backupfile both to the destination directory and to the given FTP host.

FTP_<x> = user:pass@host

If you have FTP mode choosen, you have to enter here the logindata for your backup FTP Server to use. The format is:


If your server listens on standard port 21 you can leave out the PORT parameter.

FTP_DEST_<x> = /

This specifies the directory on the FTP server where backupfiles should be stored. Please make sure that SGLBackup has write permissions on that target directory!

DEST_<x> = /backups

This is the destination directory when using the FCOPY mode. Please make sure that write permissions are correctly set.

MAXGEN_<x> = 7

If this is set SGLBackup checks after backup if more files are stored on target than defined here. In this case the oldest files are removed until the maximum amount of files is reached. If this parameter is not set SGLBackup skips checking. This allows to have a fixed amount of backups available.

VLDB_<x> = <yes|no>

This parameter affects how SGLBackup behaves on Oracle backups. Normally SGLBackup exports Oracle databases with the help of the exp utility by writing the given schema including the logfile to the configured temporary directory, creates afterwards a TAR archive and crunches it finally with the configured packer. However, if your Oracle DB contains very large databases you may end up with a full disc as this mode of operation requires at least double the size of your exported schema available on your configured directory. If this is not possible during large schemata you can enable this parameter (set it to yes), in this case SGLBackup creates via the "MKNOD" parameter a named pipe and sends the export file via this pipe directly to the configured packer. This reduces the required disk space to the size of the final crunched exportfile. Drawback on this method however is the fact that no logfile is added to the export and on multi-cpu systems you may notice a higher workload as both packer and Oracle Export utils are running in parallel.

To use this feature you have to configure also the parameter

MKNOD = <path_to_mknod_executable>

and of course set VLDB_<x> = YES


Logindata when using SCP mode. Format is USER@HOST:TARGETDIRECTORY.


Optional additional parameter for SCP to use (i.e. "-i identityfile")

See configs/config.ini.dist for an example configuration file.


If you call the script without any parameter SGLBackup performs backups on all configured sets. You can also pass some parameter to the script to modify the behavour. The following parameters are known to the script:

--help Brief help message

--man full documentation

--config Alternative configfile (default is config.ini)

--backupset Number(s) of backupset to process (default is all)

--showconfig Lists parsed configuration and exit

--checkgen Performs checks on available generations

To perform a backup on backupsets 0,1,2 and 4:

$> ./SGLBackup.pl --backupset=0,1,2,4

To show the configuration after parsing it:

$> ./SGLBackup.pl --showconfig

Checking amount of available backupfiles on targets for all sets:

$> ./SGLBackup.pl --checkgen

Checking amount of available backupfiles on targets for backup sets 0 and 4:

$> ./SGLBackup.pl --backupset=0,4 --checkgen

Not that hard IMO to use :)


For MySQL:

Make backup of database "GP4RL" on host "localhost" with username "scott" and password "tiger":

DIR_<x> = MYSQL:scott/tiger@localhost|GP4RL

Complete backup of a MySQL database as user "root" on host "" without a password (hopefully nobody does this!!!):

DIR_<x> = MYSQL:root/@localhost

For Oracle:

IMPORTANT: As this script utilises the "exp" utility from the Oracle installation it is required that you have either the Server or the client fully installed, the instant client is not enough as it lacks the export util! Also make sure that the "ORACLE_HOME" environment variable is correctly set!

Export of schema "SCOTT" from TNSHost "NETRA" using DBA account "SYSTEM" with password "MANAGER":


Export of complete database on TNSHost "NETRA" using DBA account "SYSTEM" with password "MANAGER":


Export of schema "ORAOFFICE" without using a TNSName (local database) using the schema owner "ORAOFFICE" with password "ORAPW":



Since V0.38 SGLBackup now supports wildcards for directory names and MySQL Databases. This allows i.e. to back up hundreds of directories with a simple configuration entry, a feature that maybe useful to providers to back up their customer directories.

However, there are some restrictions when working on this mode:

  • The pattern match (currently) only supports the '*' sign as LAST (!) character in the directory definition. So the following is ok:


    but this one is not okay:


    Note that SGLBackup won't find the latter, so make sure that the '*' sign is really the last character.

  • You cannot choose backupsets when using patterns, so you can only create "full backups". The reason is that the script resolves the pattern internally and adds all found directories as own config settings, which results in far more entries than configured by the user. If you pass a given backupset number and have ALSO configured wildcards in the same configuration SGLBackup will exit with an error message.

  • All matched directories are sharing the same copy mode (FTP/FCOPY), the same logindata for FTP and also the same amount of max. allowed generations.

  • The name of the config set that defines the pattern is used as prefix for all matching directories.

To illustrate the usage of this new feature, here is a small configset which I've used to test the functionality:


DIR_0       = /html/*
NAME_0      = html_auto
MODE_0      = FCOPY
DEST_0      = /wd/tests
MAXGEN_0    = 7

DIR_1       = MYSQL:root/root@localhost|*
NAME_1      = MySQL_auto
MODE_1      = FCOPY
DEST_1      = /wd/tests
MAXGEN_1    = 7

This config setting, when shown via "--showconfig" option, results in:

Configured backup sets:

Backupset number (name)..: 0 (html_auto)
Backup source............: /html/*
Target destination.......: FCOPY: /wd/tests
Defines pattern match....: Yes

Backupset number (name)..: 1 (html_auto_Boinc-Stats)
Backup source............: /html/Boinc-Stats
Target destination.......: FCOPY: /wd/tests
Defines pattern match....: No

Backupset number (name)..: 2 (html_auto_CS)
Backup source............: /html/CS
Target destination.......: FCOPY: /wd/tests
Defines pattern match....: No

...and ~90 other directories and additional all MySQL entries:

Backupset number (name)..: 95 (MySQL_auto_F1)
Backup source............: MYSQL:root/root@localhost|F1
Target destination.......: FCOPY: /wd/tests
Defines pattern match....: No
Backup using named pipe..: No

Backupset number (name)..: 96 (MySQL_auto_GP4RL)
Backup source............: MYSQL:root/root@localhost|GP4RL
Target destination.......: FCOPY: /wd/tests
Defines pattern match....: No
Backup using named pipe..: No

As you can see from the output the name of the defining pattern is used as prefix for all found directories and databases, and all matching entries share the same data as the defining pattern. Also note that the defined pattern entry is of course skipped when running the script, only entries with the setting "Defines pattern match = No" are backupped.

I highly recommend to use a separate configuration file when using patterns and pass this configfile to SGLBackup via the "--config" parameter. Also make sure that you control the correct usage of patterns with the "--showconfig" parameter first, it will show you all matching directories as you can see in the example above.