
Usage question

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Hey Ben, thanks for the add-in, very much appreciated!
I don't think I get how to use it though ๐Ÿ˜…

If I write this...


and I click render, I get this as email text:


is there any basic settings I'm missing..?

Also, I get this error when I try to send the email:

Oh wow, thanks for the report Paolo - I've not actually tested it in the desktop Outlook app (only ever used it in the WebApp).

I suspect the weird output is a side-effect of (what appears to be) a different XML format used in the desktop app. I'll need to see what I can do about parsing that out - I'll let you know once I have a working solution there.

Okay, I've switched over to the built-in html โ†’ text converter (Outlook's format coercion functionality). I'm not certain how well that will work as an input for Markdown rendering, but a quick set of tests seems to indicate that it should work. A major benefit is that it seems to work well in Outlook Desktop as well, so if you could try it out and let me know if that works, I'd appreciate it.

Mmh it seems like more or less as before. I've reinstalled the add-in and restarted Outlook.
While using HTML as message format (as opposed to "plain text" or "rich text"), if I write this:


then I click on Render, I get this:


if I click on Render once more I get this:


Kinda weird. Anyway, never mind, was just wondering if there was something wrong I was doing. It may just be the last hint for me to switch to Outlook WebApp ๐Ÿ˜ƒ