
Check user permissions before displaying

Sigafoos opened this issue · 3 comments

Wouldn't want PCs to be able to tell the BBEG is a member of their faction before the big reveal...

Love this module but this is a big one for me. Until this is about to be done, another solution might be too restrict the cross reference visibility to only the GM. This way it's there, but no possibility of spoilers. Thoughts?

It shouldn’t be too hard to implement this (and about the same amount of difficulty as making everything GM only). I’ve been putting all my effort into #7, which is proving more difficult than it should be. My thinking is that right now you don’t have all the links so it’s pointless to enable no matter what.

I'd be satisfied if the links are formatted "secret" then the reference to be formatted secret too, if the link is not secret then the reference doesn't need to be either (not sure if that would be more or less complicated than checking the linked object permissions).