
Topic Page Metadata

DomVinyard opened this issue · 3 comments


When we paste a link to (in i.e. Slack) we get this useful preview:


This is correct for the homepage but for a topic page it should give us the actual name of the page and the extra_short description field.

Acceptance Criteria

  • For a topic page, the link preview title shows the topic name (i.e. Javascript)
  • For a topic page, The link preview shows the topic description field (10 year old, extra short)

Based on the description provided, it seems that the issue is related to the metadata that is displayed when sharing a link to a topic page on The acceptance criteria state that the link preview should display the topic name and description for a topic page.

To implement this, we need to update the metadata tags on the topic page to include the correct information. Specifically, we need to update the og:title tag to include the topic name and the og:description tag to include the extra_short description field.

Here's an example of what the updated metadata tags could look like:

<meta property="og:title" content="Javascript">
<meta property="og:description" content="10 year old, extra short">

These tags should be added to the <head> section of the HTML code for the topic page.

Once these changes are made, the link preview should display the correct information when shared on platforms like Slack.

If there are any additional details or requirements for this issue, please let me know.

@DomVinyard Hi, we can't seem to find an extra_short description.

Blocked for now