RelationCard Component
DomVinyard opened this issue · 1 comments
DomVinyard commented
We need to implement a new RelationCard component in our React application to display information about related topics to a main topic. The RelationCard component should be reusable.
The RelationCard is the section highlighted in red
- Create a new file RelationCard.js for the RelationCard component
- Implement the Relation Card component. The component should render a card with the topic's title, description, and image and look correct on desktop and mobile
- Write tests for the Topic Card component in RelationCard.test.js. The tests should ensure that the component renders the correct information based on the props passed to it.
- If no image is available show a placeholder image
- For styling use SASS (and optionally TailWind if we are committed to implementing this)
- Clicking the component should navigate the user to the topic specified by the TopicCard's slug
Acceptance Criteria:
- The RelationCard component should render a card with the topic's title, description and image and look correct across different screen sizes
- The RelationCard component should have a suite of tests and the tests should pass.
- Clicking the relation card takes you to the correct topic
swdilip commented
@DomVinyard Where should the RelationCard component go? In the topic page or the home page?