
Search-Identifier, List and Map's Allowed Types

hanstzou opened this issue · 1 comments

Search-identifier's spec defined value types allowed in lists and maps, but it may need to be expanded.

By current definition, 1. a search-identifier can hold (1) a list of strings, (2) a list of maps, or (3) a map.
2. The map, in turn, hold key-value pairs, where each key is a field and each value is (1) a string, (2) an integer, or (3) a null (special field value).

#### Search-Identifier
A definition that can consist of two different data structures - lists and maps.

#### Lists
Lists can contain:
* strings that are applied to the full log message and are linked with a logical 'OR'.
* maps (see below). All map items of a list are logically linked with 'OR'.

#### Maps
Maps (or dictionaries) consist of key/value pairs, in which the key is a field in the log data and the value is a string or integer value. All elements of a map are joined with a logical 'AND'.

#### Special Field Values
There are special field values that can be used.
* An empty value is defined with `''`
* A null value is defined with `null`

In addition, although not mentioned directly, there are examples showing that a map's value list also can store integers. Thus, I'd guess a map's value could also be 2.-(4) a list of strings, integers, or nulls.

EventLog: Security
- 517
- 1102
condition: selection

Real-World Usages

The aforementioned summarization/guessing is extracted from specification alone.
I checked some Sigma rules in SigmaHQ/sigma repo as well, and found another usage.

In rules/web/webserver_generic/web_cve_2021_26858_iis_rce.yml#L23-L30 a search-id holds a list which has an integer in it, making an usage of 1.-(4) a list of strings and integers.

        - 'POST'
        - 200
        - '/ecp/DDI/DDIService.svc/SetObject'

Are There More?

Will there be other types, say, booleans/floats/...?
For example, is usage of a map like

        some-field: false

considered valid?


In conclusion, the spec's type definition seems to be incomplete/inaccurate and may need some update.

Maybe we can consider defining types as follows

  1. A scalar: string/null/boolean/integer/floating point (as defined in YAML spec).
  2. A search-identifier can hold (1) a list of scalars, (2) a list of maps, or (3) a map
  3. A map is a key-value pair where the value can be (1) a scalar or (2) a list of scalars.

Agreed. Since pySigma boolean values are also explicitly allowed, therefore it makes sense.