
Printing results with less rows

forrestbao opened this issue · 0 comments

As we have more and more approaches to compare, I feel the original print result approach is stupid and it makes comparing ref-based and ref-free approaches hard.

This is how it looks like today

corr_metric  aspect       approach  model               score_name               
pearsonr     consistency  trad      bertscore           precision                    0.023
                                                        recall                       0.192
                                                        f1                           0.112
                          new       bertscore           precision                    0.343
                                                        recall                       0.241
                                                        f1                           0.337
                          trad      bertscore-sentence  P                            0.266
                                                        R                            0.191
                                                        F                            0.267
                          new       bertscore-sentence  P                            0.450
                                                        R                            0.209
                                                        F                            0.362

Can we create one column for the results from trad approach and one column for the results from new approach? In other words, we will drop the approach column and add a column to the right for the new approach.

There are two approaches, one is create a new pandas DataFrame -- I used multiindex dataframe which is very complex. The other is simply creating the text output from the original DataFrame. Take whatever easiest for you.